Day: November 14, 2012

What’s the best camera to use?

The best camera to use is the one you have with you!  That’s an old expression but very true.  If you’re serious about recording the world around you then never go anywhere without a camera.  If you happen to forget your camera then use your phone camera if you have to. […]

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Graffiti in New Haven

While driving through New Haven, CT recently I spotted this rather colorful wall art on a building.  Whoever did this obviously had artistic qualitities.  I tried to “google” some of the words but couldn’t come up with translations.  It’s been up a long time because I remember driving by it […]

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Darius Miller Music Shell – Walnut Hill Park

As a full time field salesman in Connecticut I most often grab lunch in my car.  While in New Britain I decided to drive over to Walnut Hill Park so I could sit in my car and relax during lunch hour.  While there I noticed that their outdoor theatre was […]

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