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Abandoned barn in Durham CT.

Nikon D7100, 18-55mmlens @ 44mm.

1/640, f8, ISO 400

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  1. Sarah Pollard

    Dear Photographer, I am at present 74 years old but as as a child/young woman lived at 48 Fowler Avenue, Durham, CT. I simply cannot place the lovely ghost of a barn with tattered old glory. Could you please tell me what number at Fowler Ave. this ghost resides? Thank you. Your barns are lovely and evocative.

    • Hi Sarah,

      I want to thank you for stopping by and your lovely comments. The link you gave brought me to an old red barn on Higganum Rd. in Durham CT. However, I believe the old barn with the U.S. Flag on the front is the one you’re referring to and YES that is on Fowler Ave., in Durham CT. If I recall the U.S. Post office was on the corner and as you turned down Fowler Ave. it was like the 2nd structure on the left. At the end of Fowler AVe., just as the road takes a strong right curve, there is a driveway leading to a horse farm. It was there a year ago when I went by. Don’t know if it’s still there but it probably is. I hope you find it. It’s really a beauty!

    • Hi Sarah,

      Since you have not been able to find this barn on Fowler Ave., in Durham CT I drove over yesterday to verify that it still stands. YES, indeed it still stands and the American flag was handing off the front of it just like when I took the image. It’s right behind the Cromwell Post Office on Fowler Ave. Hope you get to it. It’s a wonderful old barn.

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